Narcos: Mexico
2018'Narcos: Mexico' is an American crime drama web television series created and produced by Carlo Bernard and Doug Miro. Originally intended to be the fourth season of the Netflix original series Narcos, it was ultimately developed as a companion series focusing on the illegal drug trade in Mexico, whereas the parent series centered on the illegal drug trade in Colombia. The series is set to be released on November 16, 2018 on Netflix.
'Narcos: Mexico' will explore the origins of the modern drug war by going back to a time when the Mexican trafficking world was a loose and disorganized confederation of independent growers and dealers. The series will chart the rise of the Guadalajara Cartel in the 1980s as Félix Gallardo (Diego Luna) takes the helm, unifying traffickers in order to build an empire. When DEA agent Kiki Camarena (Michael Peña) moves his wife and young son from California to Guadalajara to take on a new post, he quickly learns that his assignment will be more challenging than he ever could have imagined. As Kiki garners intelligence on Felix and becomes more entangled in his mission, a tragic chain of events unfold, affecting the drug trade and the war against it for years to come.
Source: [Wikipedia]
- Main Cast
- Diego Luna, Michael Peña, Jose Maria Yazpik, Alejandro Edda, Matt Letscher, Tenoch Huerta, Joaquin Cosio, Teresa Ruiz, Alyssa Diaz
- Creator
- Carlo Bernard / Doug Miro
- Produced By
- Netflix
- Release Date
- November 16, 2018