2021A desperate love story between Young-ro, a youthful female freshman student, and Soo-ho, a prestigious but mysterious university graduate, who one day jumps into her room, at a women's university dormitory, covered in blood from running away of a dangerous situation. Despite the strict surveillance, she helps him on hiding and healing which develops their relationship that goes against the tragic era of 1987 in Seoul.
- Main Cast
- Jung Hae-in, Kim Ji-soo, Yoo In-na
- Creator
- Yoo Hyun-mi
- Creator
- Jo Hyun-tak
- Produced By
- JTBC, Disney+
- Release Date
- December 03, 2021
Ratings & Reviews
Snowdrop has an epic feel with the time period (late 80s), the large cast, and its explosive plot. Jung Hae-in is captivating as Im Soo-ho. Kim Ji-soo struggles at the start but finds her footing later on. The plot can get repetitive and can get dragging but it ends very strong. Yoo In-na is great