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  • A
    Sure, we can dismiss the plot as cliche, contrived, and formulaic -- but that is refusing to take into account the animated enhancement to realize it as a truly human experience. There are few films in the live-action animated genre that I have seen to be done this well. If done wrong, it is a mess of cartoon characters mashed with big real life figures. If done right, it is a commentary on one's psyche, blurring the line between reality and fantasy in what is a true perception of the world. One must not look further to see that this film brings forth a reinvigorated fervor for the potential that Filipino animation has. Bright and colorful contrasted with the gloomy and dark -- these visuals and striking lines create the surreal environment so essential to animation. It captures the childlike wonder of the world in our context -- with the hope that we may continue to have.

    Saving Sally

    Saving Sally - This indie film is twelve years in the making and finally hits the big screen. It's a...
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