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  • J
    I will give the movie 3.8-4 stars. I like the first half of the movie, prolly because both characters were raw looking and the back story’s relatable, a familiar territory for everyone. Both did well portraying college student roles to a tee. Moving forward it’s obvious that the movie’s focus is on Liza’s character development (angst, failure, fear, redemption) and not so much on Enrique’s, which didn’t depart much from his Ex and Whys character. Comparatively, Liza has more heavyweight moments, and she didn’t disappoint. She is stunning, brilliant and commanding. Bravo to this girl. Enrique has already shown maturity but still has to be squeezed out for more creative depth and coached nuanced tone of voice. Overall, I wish it had a well thought out ending. I’m actually a fan of happy endings, but detest recycled cliches.


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