Trailers & Clips

Pain & Gain - Trailer

Daniel Lugo (Walhberg) is an ex-con turned personal trainer at the Sun Gym, where he dreams of being more, having more and living life to the full.  The reality is, he’s not going to get there with his current job,.  One day he hits upon a grand plan - training the rich and obnoxious -- when he realises this might actually lead him to his pot of gold after all.  Especially when one extremely rich guy – Marc Schiller – grabs his attention.  Along with his fellow trainers, he devises a plan to kidnap Schiller and extort him for money.  Once kidnapped, Schiller signs all of his assets over to them and the trainers plan to kill him to cover their tracks.  Unfortunately, for them, their plan to ‘dispose of the evidence’ fails and Schiller succeeds in escaping and engaging the police in a manhunt for the culprits.

Duration: 02:15

Published: Jul 9, 2013 5:00 PM
