2024PG 1 hr 44 minAn odyssey through time and memory, centered around a place in New England where—from wilderness, and then, later, from a home—love, loss, struggle, hope and legacy play out between couples and families over generations.
- Main Cast
- Tom Hanks • Robin Wright • Paul Bettany
- Director
- Robert Zemeckis
- Film Producer
- Bill Block • Robert Zemeckis • Jack Rapke • Jeremy Johns • Andrew Golov • Derek Hogue • Thom Zadra
- Released By
- Pioneer Films
Ratings & Reviews
Superbly edited and makes you look at life and its unfolding and takes you an inner journey in your own lives making you reflect on your choices and decisions that defines how you want to experience LIFE. Full of bliss love regrets foresight, dreams and memories rolled in 1.