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  • H
    Kuwaresma(2019): Before anything else, I had watched the R-16 Uncut Version of the film. Set in the early 70’s and late 90’s and in the picturesque city of Baguio, Kuwaresma deserves all the hype that it gets from socmed and with critics highly recommend this horror flick, it would seem unusual for a Filipino horror film to be termed that way but this is an exception and it deserves to be recognized internationally for its mind blowing and puzzling UNEXPECTED plot twists. Yes, twists because it has multiple twists. If you thought that the movie does not offer something new, better think twice. It might not be suit for a horror movie fan especially those who are interested in jump scares but this is a different form of horror. A horror movie that is realistic in a way because we are held liable for our actions or fictional since it also exaggerated what the human psyche thinks and how it highlighted historical facts and offered something new in the Philippine horror movie industry. The film’s sound effects especially in the latter part felt like that of the recent talk of the town psycho-thriller “Us” by Jordan Peele. 5 minutes since the movie started, I couldn’t help it but to unsee some scenes prolly because it already showed gory scenes and some heart pounding taunting scenes with its simple scares but you should all look forward to that scene of Luis and his patient and the white cloth.. Despite its imperfections and questions left unanswered upon the 2 hour duration of the film, it is forgivable because it offered a quality film. It’s location is really dark, mysterious and has this sort of eeriness primarily because of its color grade and cinematography. I’m still in awe with the way the writer played with the story. Heartfelt yet heart pounding.
    Nail-biting Thriller


    Kuwaresma - It centers on a family who is haunted by what appears to be the ghost of their youngest ...
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