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  • E
    My problems with this movie: 1. Rich guys are not always evil or douches. But they are very busy people because its hard to build a business and keeping it afloat. 2. Poor people are unfortunately, HAMBOG and not all the time HUMBLE. 3. It's NOT okay to be a SOCIOPATH who can't move on from an EX who leaves him without any GOOD REASON WHY. I understand there is such a thing as CLOSURE but there are instances where CLOSURE can't be found. 4. You built new relationships after your break-up and yet YOU DECIDED TO GO BACK TOGETHER (albeit with no labels, but you're getting there). WORSE, YOU CHEATED ON YOUR CURRENT PARTNERS WITHOUT AT LEAST HAVE A DECENCY TO BREAK UP WITH THEM FIRST BEFORE GETTING BACK TOGETHER. Sorry but we are blinded by the "lovey-doey" of both characters but we are okay with them cheating on their partners. No wonder "morality" has degraded over time...


    Alone/Together - College sweethearts Christine and Raf meet again for the first time, eight years af...
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