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  • L
    Chock-full of expositional dialogue, Aquaman treats its audience as if they are idiots who only seek CGI spectacle and money shots of the hero coming out of waterfalls. I wish Warner Bros. knew how to treat audiences with some respect and got creative with how they execute an origin story. Aquaman barely lets you breathe (pun intended) by bursting a villain and action sequence one after the other. Our superhero movie fatigue is exacerbated by Aquaman, while another movie out now in cinemas, Spider-Verse, does the complete opposite. Aquaman is through-and-through a popcorn movie. If you're looking for something that's pushing the genre and artform forward, I suggest you go see Spider-Verse.


    Aquaman - Arthur Curry, the heir to the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, must step forward to lead hi...
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