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  • L
    "Another Spider-Man movie," you ask? Get excited as 'Spider-Verse' breathes new life into our familiar friendly neighborhood hero. It is slickly and gorgeously animated in a way I have never seen Western cinema attempt before. This is the closest we will get to a comic book coming to life. For a movie jam-packed with main characters, they find a fun and extremely efficient way to introduce them all without getting too repetitive or too dumbed-down. Minimal expositional dialogue gives way to creative visual devices and recalls that are implemented so satisfyingly because they treat the audience like the smart people that we are. If you are looking for humor (meta or slapstick), lessons on power and responsibility, shocking twists (for non-comic book readers), meaningful cameos, tear-jerking emotional scenes, action-packed sequences, then you are ready to swing into this universe. I, for one, am sucked into this Spider-Verse. And I don't want out.
    Fun and Enjoyable
    Amazing Visual Effects

    Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

    Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse - It revolves around Miles Morales who is bitten by a radioactive ...
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