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  • I
    **Just one miss** This movie raised the bar high. The acting was raw; the delivery of lines was superb—it’s like they were having just a normal conversation behind the camera. The one thing that I noticed, which can go unnoticed for most people, is the main female character Pia was already using an iPhone X supposedly two years ago (2016), when iPhone X has been made available in the Philippines only in 2017. So that’s the only thing, which I reiterate can go unnoticed, because of how good the story line is. The shift of scenes from past to present was presented seamlessly. The cinematography is very impressive especially the ones shot in lowlight. The soundtrack is basically new age; it’s not the ones we typically hear in Filipino movies. This movie is definitely not a novelty movie. This is the new era of Philippine cinema.
    Love the Male lead
    Love the Female lead
    Love the Soundtrack

    Exes Baggage

    Exes Baggage - Pia and Nix instantly hit it off after a chance encounter where natural conversations...
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