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  • C
    At first I thought the movie was comedic with all the high falutin English being thrown around as a narrative. Then I realized that 2 Cool to be 4gotten is actually a love story, a tapestry of tragedy that intertwines and interlocks three lost souls. Felix (Khalil Ramos) is the brave one according to Magnus (Ethan Salvador). Having lost their livelihood and property to Lahar, Felix manages to stay afloat and excel in his studies. Felix who describe his world as conundrum and his friends as forlorn actually lives in a world that detaches himself from reality. And his perfect world crumbles when he reveals his secret love for Magnus, the stuff that turns teens to suicide. Whether LGBT or not, one can only identify with the pain of a lost love if they had gone through the similar situation. Magnus is the good, ever optimistic guy who views the world without judgment. When everyone he trust and loves betrays him, he begins to question himself. And lastly Maximillian (Jameson Blake) who at an early age found out that his mother is a whore. With the promise of petition, the angst towards his mother made an irreparable damage in his character that claimed his soul in the end. 2 Cool to be 4gotten played at an almost full audience in the early afternoon showing at Gateway Cineplex 4. I recommend to get your tickets ahead of time because of the long queue at the ticketing station.

    2 Cool 2 Be 4Gotten

    2 Cool 2 Be 4Gotten - Felix is a friendless achiever in high school whose life changes after the arr...
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