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  • R
    Cathy Garcia Molina, true to form, delivers. While we already know Liza Soberano can do drama, it is truly a treat for the audience to see her quirky, bubbly, lighter side. While we are used to seeing Enrique Gil in roles full of "swag", what resonates in #MyExAndWhys is a more honest and tender Enrique. The movie brings Liza Soberano to front and center. Enrique's subtlety and tenderness gave Liza the right space to shine more brightly. New visual techniques were also showcased. Loved the Korea scenes. And while there were a few scenes that overused CGI effects (calling out the pagtatapon ng yellow leaves), and OA acting from some supporting acts, those remain almost-irrelevant to the movie's entirety.

    My Ex and Whys

    My Ex and Whys - The film follows the story of Cali, a blogger who owns the up and coming blog,
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