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  • D
    I liked it. It's a more serious, more introspective take on the "broken-hearted, will travel" formula, showcasing some of the lesser known but absolutely picturesque, wanderlust-inducing places and local cultures across the Philippines. Integrating it with the art of the painted postcards, and the beautiful cinematography just made it all the more transporting and felt like more of an adventure. I thought JC Santos shined. He was very charismatic on screen, and stole and/or carried most, if not all, of his scenes with Alessandra. Although I did think that his delivery of the dialogue feels a bit rehearsed, but probably not as much as the actress who played Mila. Overall, I thought he did a good job, and if anything, it felt like he needed a bigger role in the movie. The movie showed a lot of restraint. The plot twists were mostly open ended, like nothing felt really resolved with all of the characters, save for the lead character's sense of closure. The scenes also fell short of pushing the limits of the relationships between the characters and sometimes even felt unnecessary and slow-paced. But because the cinematography matched the beauty of the landscapes and the almost poetic journey the lead character takes to find closure, not to mention the melancholic music, it tied everything quite nicely and what your left with at the end of it all are just good 'feels.'

    Sakaling Hindi Makarating

    Sakaling Hindi Makarating - A girl who receives a series of mysterious hand-illustrated postcards ta...
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