Bag of Beans

Tagaytay, Tagaytay City

115 Aguinaldo Highway, Mendez Crossing West,
Tagaytay City, Cavite, Philippines


Most people are only concerned with how coffee will wake them up to start the day,but contrary to what some health official would have you believe there are studies that show coffee actually has health benefits.

These benefits include the link between coffee consumption & reduced risk of colon cancer, Parkinson’s & diabetes due to the antioxidants in coffee,it can also help enhance your memory & performance. It can also help to relieve mild pain when very gentle exercise has been taken.Coffee has also been found to help with depression.Asthma sufferers have also revealed 25% fewer attacks,obviously these benefits vary from person to person and take into account a daily allowance of a moderate 2/4 cups a day.

Most of the studies are just done with “coffee,” not allowing for how it is brewed,the freshness of the beans etc. The studies may need to be refined to see if the fresher the coffee the more effect,or roast beans over ground coffee.Does it make a difference how long the coffee has been brewed for? We do know that drinking badly brewed coffee is not good for the body.

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