Woman Ascend: Women’s Month Exhibit


University of the Philippines

U.P. Diliman
Diliman, Quezon City
Metro Manila, Philippines

  • 29
    10:00 AM
    5:00 PM

About the Event

In honor of the Women’s Month, the UNESCO Club of the University of the Philippines – Diliman will have Woman Ascend, an interactive exhibit where images of the empowered and successful women of the Philippines will be displayed.

Students, faculty and staff – male and female alike – can have their pictures taken and printed on the spot. Then, they will write statements about womanhood, women empowerment, and post them on the exhibit. This project is a part of an effort to raise women empowerment among college students, and involve the male population in doing so. The organization believes that with gender equality in the midst of our minds, we can work together more harmoniously towards a stronger country.

The exhibit ultimately aims to empower young women, and raise the awareness of males in the issue of gender equality. It challenges the male and female communities to set aside their differences in order to work more harmoniously towards a stronger UP community.

Together with Dermcare and Belle de Jour as sponsors and DZUP and ClickTheCity.com as media partners,

UNESCO Club of UP Diliman will run the exhibit in the lobby of the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines Diliman from March 29 until April 1, 2016.