BDJ Women’s Summit: Women Helping Women

Other Events

Samsung Hall

SM Aura Premier
McKinley Parkway corner 26th St., Bonifacio Global City, Taguig
Metro Manila, Philippines

  • 16
    10:00 AM

About the Event

In celebration of BDJ's 10th year, we are continuing our pursuit in empowering more Filipinas by giving them the push to live life to the fullest.

On April 16th, join us and distinguished advocates and changemakers in engaging discussions on current issues faced by women today in the BDJ Women's Summit: Women Helping Women at Samsung Hall, SM Aura!

Your actions, big or small, matter because YOU ARE THE CHANGE.

The BDJ Women’s Summit will be a day full of highly interactive and experiential learnings. You will meet like-minded women who have the courage to talk about society’s issues—the good and the bad—that women encounter every day. You will also hear success stories, personal social causes, and inspiring initiatives on self-proficiency, anti-intellectualism, legacy-building, and meaningful social impact. This summit will give you a glimpse of what you, as an individual, and we, as a community, can do to inspire and empower women to help themselves and others.

Connect with other women and turn ideas into action from these inspiring talks that you should not miss:

Keynote Speech on Women Helping Women with MS. AMINA RASUL BERNARDO (Philippine Center for Islam and Democracy & International Women's Advocate)

Plenary Sessions:
Igniting Curiosity and Intellectual Discourse

with MS. RISA HONTIVEROS (2016 Senatorial Candidate & Women's Advocate) and MS. ANA SANTOS (International award-winning journalist and advocate of women and reproductive health)

--- Bullying has become ubiquitous - in school, at work, online and in numerous other forms. More recently we have observed “smart-shaming” come to the fore. Given our social nature, how do we spark curiosity and boost intellectual freedom for Filipinas?

Working towards Financial Freedom
with MS. MYRNA PADILLA (Founder, Mynd Consulting, Inc.)

--- Based on the 2015 Deloitte survey on millennials, six out of ten millennials would like to pursue entrepreneurship. Four of these six aspiring entrepreneurs are women, and the most common concern is—where do we find enough resources to start?

Finding the Courage to Lead
with REP. LENI ROBREDO (2016 Vice Presidential Candidate) and MS. MYRZA SISON (Editorial Director, Summit Media)

--- The majority of women in this generation strive to be social chameleons, constantly vying for the approval of others all the while struggling with apathy and complacency. There is fear of failure and criticism. How then do we overcome this, recognize our own strength, and find the courage to do something great?

Nurturing Passions to Inspire Good
with MS. SUSAN AFAN (Managing Director, ABS-CBN Foundation, Inc.) and MS. JEN SANTOS (General Manager, G-Stuff, Eco Social Enterprise)

--- In 2014, 2.5 million Filipinos benefited from social enterprises in the country, the majority of which are also women. Yet the increasing number of poor Filipinos is still alarming. As empowered Filipinas, how can we help?

As we celebrate the Women's Month, here’s a special treat to the empowered YOU – GET your pass for the BDJ's Women's Summit at 20% off
PHP600 only (regular price of Php750)

*Get a FREE access to ALL PLENARY TALKS with distinguished speakers
*Lunch and PM Snack
*Women's Summit ID
*Women's Summit Kit (Booklet, Pens, Bag)
* Certificate of Participation
*and additional freebies from our partners!

For tickets, please visit BDJ website