Trailers & Clips

Tiktik: The Aswang Chronicles - Trailer

TIKTIK: The Aswang Chronicles is an aswang horror movie that honors the genre’s traditions without taking itself too seriously. It combines honest to goodness scares and positively horrifying monsters with irreverent Pinoy wit and humor.

An odd mix of people just trying to get by suddenly find themselves the target of a vicious, deadly attack by a whole legion of pissed off aswangs. As if their own strained relationships were not stressful enough, they now have to fight for their lives with all the heart, guts, and garlic that they could muster.

The centerpiece is a bloody, spectacular showdown between Man and Aswang, wit and brute force, transcendence and primal instinct.

Duration: 01:19

Published: Jun 29, 2012 12:00 AM
