
    Not a flawless movie, but if youre a comic book fan? You will appreciate everything in this movie. Critics be damned!


    In my simple opinion, the movie did not measure up to the hype created (if any) by the trailers. Nonetheless, I was entertained watching BvS. I did not feel I got robbed, but I thought the whole experience could have been more exciting.


    Maybe Philbert doesn't know that the plot is already written. This really did happen already, and they are just retelling the story. At least, to any comics followers like my sons. Somehow, Philbert thinks he's the intended audience of the movie. As my son said: the movie was full of Easter Eggs. He would have liked to have seen preliminary movies with Affleck as Batman before this one bc there was a bit of a detached feeling, but overall it was very entertaining and the casting was great.


    Never have I felt so betrayed in my fandom life..


    not worth watching in IMAX 3D! almost 2 hours na daldalan. pansinin nyo si Superman parating nakapose sa tuwing cya ay lalabas. daig pa nya si Wonder Woman sa pagka girlie ng mga poses.boring to the max!